Tom hanks airport movie
Tom hanks airport movie

tom hanks airport movie

(3) Human experience will trump computer models and simulations any day, every day. Perhaps my biggest takeaway was that human experience.the experience of a pilot with 40+ years of experience flying every kind of airplane there is.trumps computer models and simulations any day of the week. Not accounting for timing can lead to sometimes disastrous results. In our everyday lives, timing can also be critical to the decisions that we make a thousand times a day. Accounting for timing made the difference between what is automatic and what people in real life situations have to do when caught in the moment unawares, facing a critical set of decisions that can make the difference between life and death. When accounting for the extra moments it took in order to realize what had happened and take appropriate action, the computer simulations no longer indicated that he could have made it back to either airport. The investigators had failed to take into account the precious seconds that were taken up by the pilot assessing the entire situation and then making a decision regarding what needed to be done. As the story evolved, however, Sully asked them to factor in the time that it would have taken for him to fully assess the situation as opposed to recognizing that birds had hit the engines and then immediately heading back to the airport. According to them, computer simulations had indicated that he would have been able to get the airplane back to the airport. His judgment was questioned by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).


(2) Timing is everything. While the mishap was being investigated, in the movie at least, Sully did a lot of soul-searching, wondering if he had been wrong in making his calculations to land on the water instead of heading to the airport. Passengers evacuated the plane and waited for the tug boats that were only minutes away (thankfully) and while a few people were hurt, none of the injuries were life-threatening, and no one was killed. He missed hitting a bridge by not a lot of distance and landed the plane on the river where it came to a rest floating atop the icy waters. In a quick decision, he made for the river. As an experienced pilot, he knew exactly what would happen if he continued on route to either airport.he would wind up taking out several skyscrapers and hundreds of people in addition to the 155 souls on board his airplane. He got clearance for a runway at two airports, but as the plane began its inevitable descent-gravity will do that-Sully had to make some pretty quick calculations. After a few minutes of checking all of the instruments on the flight dashboard, Chesley Sullenberger, the pilot (also known as Sully) called in a Mayday and asked for permission for an emergency landing. They would have been able to continue safely back to the airport if they had had at least one engine, but both were knocked out. Birds-lots of them-fly head on into the plane's engines and knocks them out. Of course, things do start to go wrong just moments after take off. As regular fliers, most people tune out this litany of what to do in case of an seems like such a waste of time.

tom hanks airport movie

The flight starts out routinely with everyone getting settled in and the flight attendants going through their standard procedure of advising everyone to look at the card in the pocket in front of them in order to familiarize themselves with the safety procedures and what to do in the event of an emergency. Some were in different parts of the plane, and there were a couple of babies aboard.


Indeed, there may have been some poetic license to make it a better story/movie, but in the movie plot, there were family members traveling together. The movie couldn't highlight everyone on the airplane, of course. On a cold day at LaGuardia Airport, 150 or so strangers stepped onto a jet airliner destined for Charlotte, North Carolina, the airline's hub, and then they would be off to their various and sundry destinations from there. (1) Miracles do happen. The story in the movie is the same story that occurred in real life on January 15, 2009. What I would like to share with you are the 3 things I took away from watching the movie this weekend. I won't provide any spoilers for you.I just recommend it as a great story and one I think you might enjoy.

tom hanks airport movie

The movie takes you into the back story, and Tom Hanks, as always, does a fabulous great job of bringing alive a character who struggles with the enormity of the event that has just taken place and the ensuing investigation. Most of you will probably remember the incident. In case you are not aware, this is a new movie starring Tom Hanks, recounting the miraculous landing of Flight 1549 in the icy waters of the Hudson River on January 15, 2009. I went to see the movie, Sully, this weekend.

Tom hanks airport movie